Here you can book your instructor or director course. The rest of the payment can be made later or until the same day the course begins.
You can also make the full payment of the course by choosing in the "courses" section in which you want to enroll.
- The price of the monitor course depending on the date you choose ranges from € 225 to € 250 (accommodation included). In some courses the accommodation is done in the house and in others in the camping area.
From 06/14 to 08/20 accommodation only available in the camping area
Supplements: (extra prices in total for all days of the theoretical course)
Are you going to need food? Homemade and balanced food.
Full board: € 150 (breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner)
Half board: € 90 (lunch and breakfast)
Without food: € 0
You can use a common room equipped with a fridge, stove and microwave to prepare your food.
Just 2 km from the farm there is a supermarket (Consum Charter).
When you finish the theory phase and start the practical phase, the full pension is included.
Do you need another type of accommodation?
From June 21 to August 22 accommodation only available in the camping area.
On the rest of the dates the accommodation is included in the price and you can choose shared rooms or in the camping area, you choose.
And if you prefer for a little more money, you can stay in a triple, double or single room:
Triple room: € 30
Double room: € 60
Single room: € 90
Total price for 12 nights.
- The price of the director course is € 350 (accommodation included)
In some courses the accommodation is done in the house and in others in the camping area.
From 06/14 to 08/20 accommodation only available in the camping area
Supplements: (extra prices in total for the 19 days of the theoretical course)
Are you going to need food? Homemade and balanced food.
Full board: € 220 (breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner)
Half board: € 130 (lunch and breakfast)
Without food: € 0
You can use a common room equipped with a fridge, stove and microwave to prepare your food.
Just 2 km from the farm there is a supermarket (Consum Charter).
Do you need another type of accommodation?
From June 21 to August 22 accommodation only available in the camping area.
On the other dates the accommodation is included in the price in shared rooms or in the camping area, you choose.
And if you prefer for a little more money, you can stay in a triple, double or single room:
Triple room: € 45
Double room: € 95
Single room: € 135
Total price for 18 nights.
Reservation payment for monitor / director course
Devolución solo contratando seguro de anulación por causa de fuerza mayor justificada, o de la parte proporcional del curso si lo tiene que abandonar por causa de fuerza mayor justificada.
Es un seguro opcional que podéis contratar con el fin de recuperar el importe del curso en caso de que por causa justificada el participante tenga que anular el curso días antes del comienzo del mismo o abandonarlo durante el transcurso de la actividad.
Coberturas del seguro y funcionamiento:
Devolución del pago del importe del curso, a excepción del seguro.Acortamiento
Devolución de la parte proporcional de los días no disfrutados menos del seguro.Causas de cancelación o acortamiento
- Lesión o enfermedad que durante el curso o antes del inicio del mismo impida la participación en la actividad. Imprescindible presentación de informe médico.
La cancelación debe comunicarse en el plazo máximo de 7 días desde la fecha en la que se producen las circunstancias de la cancelación.
En caso de cancelación o acortamiento del viaje, Atalaya de Alcaraz se encargará de la devolución correspondiente bajo las condiciones previamente establecidas. Dicha devolución se realizará entre el 10 y el 30 de septiembre.
Exclusiones específicas de la garantía de gastos de anulación del campamento de verano
- La expulsión del participante una vez iniciado el curso por el incumplimiento de la normativa general.